How our Training is Vastly Different than other Training Companies and Universities

How our Training is Vastly Different than other Training Companies and Universities

Why Our Clients Call This, The Best Leadership Style & Training System Available Anywhere in The World!


Best Leadership Style

The greatest leadership mystery of our time is why 90% of global organizations and managers, choose to lead through what is often referred to as “Transactional leadership style.” Every employee has experienced it and most have felt the dread of “top down management” as most organization still subscribe to it; even though 70% of employees HATE their job… because of this antiquated fallacy in organizational management! What this is in reality is what the egoists in corporate America and abroad call, “authority based Leadership”, insert expletive here!


This ‘management style’ consists of what is called top down communication…allow me to translate for you …. ‘do as I say, not as I do’, which is most often regurgitated by those who know little about inspiring, communicating and motivating teams!  This age old “I’m always right mentality” screams, “the only thing that matters is that you do what I tell you, and never question me, even though I have no idea what I’m talking about!” The sheer ignorance that is often employed in the professional culture today is frightening.


“Extra, Extra, Read All About It”……Transactional leadership is the most contagious and insidious leadership style practiced throughout human history. It is practiced in our churches, schools, at work, and at most every training and education institution imaginable. It is so pervasive that it’s even practiced by our parents. The ONLY requirement to become a transactional leader is to have been given a position of authority……rather than earning the authority through authentic leadership.


The unfortunate evidence is everywhere. When individuals are granted leadership positions over others, rather than having earned them; due to their relationship with a relative or friend, companies fail, as do those in the leaders position. Employee longevity is another example of this insidious practice. For all the reasons that individuals are given positions of authority, this one is the most wreckless and damaging to the very fiber of industry. What is clear is that transactional leadership is a free pass to damage organizational culture, harmony, productivity and PROFIT! How is it that so many slide under the radar to become leaders, without the most basic leadership and interpersonal skills?


Fact: Research shows that Transactional Leadership is the antithesis of efficiency, satisfaction and productivity, not to mention results!


Most organizations allow these “one size fits all” management techniques to spread like a virus, and then proceed to watch turnover increase and morale fall precipitously. What we hear from clients is that their organizations lean on manuals, policies and procedures to cure their ills. When we show them through our immersion techniques that all of the policy and procedure paper that they throw at cultural and leadership challenges, is absolutely worthless as compared to communication, rapport and action, they’re often astonished!  The misguided leaders of today truly believe that they can FORCE teams listen, FORCE them to obey and FORCE them to be productive, and perform out of fear and pressure, rather than inspiration and communication, we all lose. When individuals are FORCED a transactional leadership style mode of operating, they close off and become reactionary, not visionary and self-motivated.


Make no mistake, transactional leadership has produced results throughout history, but it creates challenges that can literally destroy organizations in very little time, if left unaddressed. When individuals are micromanaged through aggressive authority and are threatened with retribution to perform, it creates massive stress, deep resistance, and the greatest killer of all…silence and passivity. Research shows that leading people transactionally creates resentment, apathy, low morale, lack of commitment, disloyalty, anger and even violence at times


The Team-builder Leadership Institute difference:

At the TLI, we inspire you understand and embrace leadership Tri-centrically, through a proprietary immersion process, that teaches you the WHY, before we even begin to discuss the HOW! The bottom line, our Tri-centric Leadership Methodology© focuses on the three powerfully transformational components of authentic leadership:
  1. Achievement and Accomplishment for others & yourself
  2. The Secrets of Creating  Meaningful & Sustainable Focus
  3. World Class Immersion Motivation & Productivity Mastery Practices


What this does for you, and all of our client is to produce the three main components that drive success for everyone…. Goals, Structure, & Culture.

Our GSC immersion, as we call it, has proven to be “the best leadership style” available anywhere. GSC powers your beliefs as well as those of all participants, to align them with specific positive actions and activities related to the goals.  The leader and manager can create and maintain the optimum structure and culture to most quickly, harmoniously and efficiently achieve the goals of the group (and goals requested by the leader).

Other training programs and educational organizations use disconnected training sessions and content to deliver disjointed training in an attempt to require you to learn conceptual information (universal leadership and interactivity skills) through rote memory lecture. We at the Team-builder Leadership Institute take a vastly different approach based on decades of experience, education and research! Often a leader’s challenge is in the way he or she believes it is ok to say and do something (personal beliefs). They have particular beliefs that generate negative reactions from others and limit their leadership capabilities. Regardless of the quality of leadership training they get, as long as they have those beliefs allowing those behaviors, they will continue to generate negativity and poor performance.

At the Team-builder Leadership Institute, our state of the art courses illuminate and offer you a deeper understanding of human beliefs and the ability to achieve any desired level of personal and professional success! Said another way, to ACHIEVE YOUR DESTINY!



Our GSC Leadership style puts the power of individual desire for personal achievement in the leader’s hands so they NEVER need to MAKE anyone do anything.  They can cultivate and be a catalyst for the individual’s commitment and achievement of both their personal goals and to those of the organization and group. GSC leaders become master influencers and communicators. They easily elicit high performance, achievement, commitment, and focus by aligning beliefs to goals and activities to achieve them. This is what Team-builder Leadership Institute immerses course participants in and this is why our training is so highly coveted and lauded.

It’s Time for a New Leadership Style – For YOUR Leadership Style! 

Are you ready to lead through skills that generate ease and results today! Instead of “beating the work out of people” whether verbally or through physical intimidation, you can empower and offer autonomy to produce results that will astound you! We teach and provide the most cutting edge skills and modern approach that we guarantee will give you leadership mastery and control over your life, future and success!

Our highly touted and proven Goals, Structure, Culture Leadership Style programs provide effective immersion, interpersonal  communication, leadership skills, as well as the techniques and behaviors that inspire performance and compel everyone to want to work for you and with you as colleagues and supporters! Now that’s what we call effective leadership!


My GSC Leadership & Management Program


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