About Us

Company Training Programs to Build Cooperation


A competent leader can get efficient service from poor troops, while on the contrary an incapable leader can demoralize the best of troops. John J Pershing


We enable you to adapt your beliefs and add a standard of performance that makes you happy and successful almost immediately!

What we believe at Team-builder Leadership Institute


At Team-builder Leadership Institute we believe the workplace should be a challenging and rewarding environment focused on service and personal growth. People should not expect to be pushed to produce but rather inspired to contribute. To that end, our training provides the skills and techniques that creates leaders who are equipped to inspire and develop those around them.

Not every workplace is right for everybody. Not everyone will excel at or even like every job. However, we believe that the work environment should be an inviting environment where people can share their creativity, initiative and intelligence learning, growing, and creating, producing superior products and services and filling their day with confidence building achievement and success.

To that end, Team-builder Leadership Institute’s training and developmental courses seek to provide the path, skills, and techniques for individuals to expand their communication and leadership abilities, so they may develop, excel, succeed and enjoy a harmonious and highly successful work life.


The dream of the Team-builder Leadership Institute was born in the mind of a young man many years ago. He was raised by an abusive uncle and as far back as he can remember, he wondered why people seemed to like to mistreat one another mentally and physically. Because of that abusive upbringing, he vowed to do what he could to help people learn to treat one another with dignity, respect and honesty.

He left his abusive uncle’s house at 13 years old and never looked back. Fortunately, he made the decision to go in the military at the age of 17. In the military he began to understand how he could help people learn the advantages. to all, of not  mistreating one another. By the age of 18 he was in a leadership position. His leadership mastery however, took many years’ experience as a leader, pursuing advanced education, and becoming a training professional and of course, the great fortune to be mentored by a great leader. It was through these experiences that he was blessed to learn to master leading and developing people and the positive rewards of doing so.

Enjoying great success developing many leaders both military and civilian, many of his previous coworkers and employees continued to keep in touch and offer their thanks for his dedication to their success over the years, many becoming friends through the journey. Many coworkers and former subordinates shared with others what they admired about and learned from him. that most changed their lives and fortunes. Their consensus on his leadership was they appreciated the way he led people by NOT telling them what to…do but rather, providing them choices so they could make their own decisions and could lead themselves. They were able to take total credit for their choices no matter how they turned out.

After many years and many thank you’s, he felt it was time to start an organization that could teach thousands at a time to lead so they bring positive change and results to their lives and to those they lead. When Tony Roberts initially started the Team-builder Leadership Institute, he provided classes all over the country through public seminars and onsite organizational training. After several years, with the growth of the internet and online training, Tony realized he could help more people, more quickly, around the world by creating the Team-builder Leadership Institute online.

Tony painstakingly created interactive video immersion courses that are more coaching than they are training. Tony learned over his years of leading and training people that if they do not trust you, you cannot train nor lead them effectively. Consequently, he created his coaching development courses to build trust and allow for immediate use of the information by the participant. He also learned to teach the actual steps- not just the concepts! In his experiences he had seen many leaders tell their subordinates things like:

  • Be nice
  • Communicate more clearly
  • Give more information
  • Give less information
  • Listen better
  • Etc.

All these requests are subjective and must be quantified to be acted on to prevent the result later of… “that’s not what I meant”!. The Team-builder Leadership Institute’s courses are all designed to build trust through credibility and give the actual steps to practice and produce the results! Tony removes the subjectivity!

In addition to  trust, credibility, and removal of subjectivity, TLI’s training has another huge advantage;  “People are EMOTIONAL creates that can think logically, not LOGICAL creatures that can think emotionally”! You can tell someone they have to be nice to someone they don’t like or stop hating a certain kind of people or activity. However, if you can’t show them how to not feel that way towards the person, people or task, they can’t stop! ‘I’m the boss and I said so’ cannot over rule emotions based on beliefs people have learned.

All TLI training demonstrates how to identify any limiting beliefs and shows the individual how to dispose of the beliefs that are detrimental to their personal and professional goals. It also shows them how to realign their beliefs to remove negative emotions so the individual develops emotional control! Hiding a negative belief is not fixing the problem, at some point it will emerge again.

Our information and Tony’s passion to help people has positively changed the lives of thousands! It will help your organization too! In fact, Tony guarantees it!

At Team-builder Leadership Institute we understand the challenges faced in today’s workplace. Not only are there more generations in the workplace than ever before, the latest generations have a completely different life focus and understanding. Our society has gone from the Baby Boomer’s focus of “living to work’ to the millennial focus of ‘working to live’. The younger generations want to work doing what feels good to them,  something they like, making a difference but being flexible.

Even though our societies focus has changed, most of our training information, skills and methods have not. Companies are still offering the methods and information from the 1980’s and 1990’s. For the older generations, typical training said, “ do this because it’s the right thing to do and because I said so!”  The results of that can be detrimental to a companies long term success and employee morale.


At The Team-builder Leadership Institute we are proponents and practitioners of our preventative Goals, Structure, and Culture (GSC) Leadership Standard and Style. Through onsite and online training as well as consulting we help some of the most successful companies in the world become so. We specialize in and provide organizations on-boarding, belief system and communication style identification, adjustment and assessments.  With our preventative leadership training, executive coaching, and consulting, companies gain a sustainable leadership process, high company morale, growth and profits!   Our group’s primary consulting focus is to instill a culture or Organizational EKO-System in our client organizations that creates a harmonious, cohesive and high performance work environment. Our clients enjoy decades of success which continues to improve organizational results as long as the EKO-System and preventative Goals, Structure, and Culture (GSC) Leadership Standard and Style are maintained.
Team-builder Leadership Institute

Anthony Roberts CTO


       Anthony Roberts is the President and CEO of The Team-builder Leadership Institute (TLI), an organizational performance and improvement company.  Mr. Roberts and The Team-builder Leadership Institute have helped hundreds organizations as well as thousands of individuals maximize their potential and results through training, consulting, and coaching. The Team-builder Leadership Institute specializes in tailoring and enhancing the performance of organizations and individuals.

Leader and developer of many award winning professional work teams since 1981, Anthony perfected the techniques and steps to building highly cohesive, committed, and profitable self-managed work teams.

Mr. Roberts combined experience and education of over 30 years, led him to create the most effective and advanced leadership and communications training programs available.  For our team, it’s more than letters behind your name or proving you are worthy because of degree’s, it’s truly about who you are and how your knowledge and experience can best help others.  Our programs are backed by education, research and outcome based applications.



  • Master of Science in Management – Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness, Troy University, Sorell School of Business, GPA 3.73 (Magna Cum Laude)
  • Bachelor in Business Administration, Brenau University, GPA 3.70 (Cum Laude), Phi Beta Sigma
  • Associate in science, Georgia Military College
  • Instructor Training School, U.S. Army, Ft. Gordon, GA
  • Test development and writing school, U.S. Army, Ft. Gordon, GA
  • Principles of Counseling U.S. Army, Ft. Gordon, GA
  • Spiral Dynamics Institute Human Emergence Level 1 certification, Spiral Dynamics Institute, Santa Barbara, CA. 2007.
  • Spiral Dynamics Institute Human Emergence Level 2 Certification, Spiral Dynamics Institute, Boulder CO. 2007.

Honors and Awards

  • Army Commendation Medal, Job manual and skill qualification test for MOS 31M, 36,000 soldiers, Fort Gordon Ga, 1987.
  • (6) Army Achievement Medals, 1 for Instructor Excellence, Fort Gordon Ga, 1986.
  • Others for various achievements throughout military career
  • Scana Energy, “Energy In The Work Place Award”, culture change and process implementation Curriculum development and presentation, 2005.

Published Works


  • “The Architects Of Excellence—a Journey of Purpose”, 2013
  • “Why Try To Make Them Do It When You Can Make Them Want To?–The Art Of Influence”, 2012, Outskirts Press
  • White Paper
  • “Comparative Analysis Of Transformational, Spiritual-Based, And Transactional Leadership Styles: A Scana Energy Case Study,” Troy University-Mar, 2006
  • Studied with Dr. Don Beck
  • Hundreds of articles on leadership, management and development



Our Mission Statement

The Team-builder Leadership Institute

The Team-builder Leadership Institute

Team-builder Leadership Institute

Our mission, goals, and desire:

 Our programs enable you to adapt your beliefs and add a standard of performance that makes you happy and successful almost immediately!

No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it. —Andrew Carnegie


The Team-builder Leadership Institute is committed to making every workplace an environment of positive challenge and reward for everyone. We do this through our proprietary advanced leadership and communication quality standard systems. Our systems instill an extreme level of operational efficiency, harmony and individual success transforming any organization to a top performer!

+1 (855) 205-6153

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