Online Training Course Catalog

Online Training Course Catalog



Our Philosophy

The Team-builder Leadership Institute (TLI) is an organization staffed by people who believe in the power and possibilities in people. We believe everyone has tremendous potential and can reach it, if they are given the tools that allow them to tap their potential. We also believe every business benefits, when their employees are provided with the tools that allow their teams and individuals to be the best they can be. To provide that opportunity for success to both individuals and organizations, we have created top quality low cost online training and made it available for everyone!


Online training, leadership training, interpersonal communication training, management training

Our Products

At TLI we believe professional skills training should be available to all employees all the time. Nothing gives an employee the ability to excel and succeed like having the right information available at the right time! To that end, TLI has created a catalog of  online training courses for employees of all levels and positions. These online training courses provide professional skills with topics that range from a professional leadership certification, to developing and maintain positive emotional alignment. These online training courses also cover core knowledge areas, that are a must in a professional workplace, like delegating successfully and understanding diversity.


All employees must communicate accurately and succinctly to create a productive organizational work environment. TLI provides online interpersonal communication courses that share how to accurately understand and work with the different personality types as well as people with different belief systems. We also provide online training courses that share some of the most important interpersonal communication skill sets, like: how to communicate assertively instead of passively or aggressively. Use the list, identify the courses your workforce will benefit from and get them started today!


Leadership Training

Goals, Structure, Culture (GSC) Leadership course – Immersion training designed to develop a leader by providing knowledge and skills from basic leadership to the most advanced skills and techniques discovered in modern times. This training is very popular and touted by new leaders, mid-level and C-suite leaders, providing both an in-depth knowledge of team-building as well as the strategic and technical skills of planning, organizing, controlling and supporting employees to ensure achievement of the organization’s mission and vision. This training course develops the participant into an influencing leader. The result is the leader will no longer need authority to influence others to contribute to the goals being pursued. The leader develops the skills that influence others to want to follow and support the leader’s guidance.

Mid-Level Managers Specialized Skills System – This training system is designed to develop mid-level managers into powerful influencing leaders that are experts at building relationship, planning and executing tasks and projects, as well as effectively allocating personnel and resources at the right time and in the right quantity to ensure an on-time, on-budget and on-quality completion. This system is very popular with our small, medium and large organizational clients.






20 Minute training Courses – These mini-courses (20 minutes or less) provide specific and in-depth knowledge on very specific management needs, i.e… Interviewing, delegation, annual reviews, etc. They are designed so participants can watch the videos and go perform the task successfully. Since being introduced this training has continually increased in popularity.



Law Enforcement & Public Service Management Training Sub-course – This sub-course is designed to be taken with our GSC leadership course. It is specifically designed for the challenges faced as a law enforcement or public service officer. It was designed to meet the actual state requirements for management advancement. It provides skills and techniques well beyond team building and leadership. It provides users with the ability to understand and operate with budgetary constraints as well as, public and governmental oversite and much more.


Relationship building / Communication Training

Communication Success Program (CSP) – In-depth interpersonal communication training providing the participant with the skills to identify an individual’s communication style. This allows them to craft their communications, so the recipient will like and appreciate what is said as well as the way it is said. It provides that user an understanding well beyond mere personality types. It provides knowledge into how others think the way they do and why allowing for positive and effective interactions.


Workplace Efficiency Training

High Performance Project Management HPPM) – This training course teaches the most modern task and project efficiency methodology and techniques. It includes processes and techniques that ensure masterful planning, executing, monitoring/controlling and closing of any task or project. It also provides insight and recommendation on project tracking tools and different software.


Workplace Performance Success System – This training system develops the influencing leader and in addition provides in-depth interpersonal communication knowledge and techniques to ensure positive cooperation. To ensure the technical abilities of workplace efficiency, also in this system is Team-builder Leadership Institute’s High-Performance Project Management course. Our High-Performance Project Management course provides the most modern skills, techniques and processes know to efficiency experts.






Mastering Diversity Training Course – This training course provides users with the understanding of how and why people believe what they do. It provides an ability to forecast and understand a person’s actions in a given scenario. This provides an emotional barrier, so the user no longer feels the need to dislike or even pay attention to the differences in others. Diversity is, understanding the differences so they are no longer a barrier to effective interpersonal interaction.


Core and Advanced Skills Training
Online Certification Training Courses:


Continuous Training and Development
20 Minute Training – Online Courses, valuable training at just the right time:

Our 20 minute training courses are designed for the leader that knows, ” you don’t have to know everything as long as you know where to get it when you need it”. These courses provide specific core ands advanced management skills on-demand. They quickly provide the knowledge and steps to critical management skills and processes so the user can them go use and benefit from them. Ideal for the new leader or the seasoned leader who is revisiting a process not used in a while, as a precise refresher.

Lessons include:

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