Online Professional Skills Training Courses



Online Professional Skills Training Courses




Training develops talent. When you add skills and practice them until they become second nature and they combine with your experiences and abilities, you’ve expanded your playbook and become more valuable to yourself and others.

 Whether you are a visual, kinesthetic, or auditory learner, our online training is designed to expand your knowledge base and guide you to develop your new talent through repetition, assimilation and practicing your new knowledge. 


Our courses are used by thousands and lauded from coast to coast. Our training courses are designed and delivered with the learner in mind (based on the principles of adult learning and instructional design models.) Anyone that has a sincere desire to add new skills and develop new talents will with our online courses – will.


Our courses teach you, train you, and provide you the opportunity to master what you’ve learned through relevant practice and guided activities that have you use what you’ve learned and practiced in the real world.


Our low cost high quality courses are guaranteed to change your results and improve your ability to succeed in your/any career! We have professional skills training courses for the employee, the supervisor, the middle manager and the CEO. Different levels require addition skills, TLI understands and recognizes the need and provides for all.


Choose your course that will totally prepare you for your position. Whether on-boarding a new employee, training a new supervisor, or preparing a middle manager for their promotion our training courses will guarantee their success.



Available Courses:


All Leaders and Managers – Goals Structure Culture Leadership Course – (certification available)

                                                      – Critical skills | Manager’s 20 Minute Training Library (subscription)

New Manager or SupervisorNew Manager / Supervisor Leadership Performance Training

Middle ManagerMiddle Management Specialized Skills Training Package – (certification available)

Offsite Team ManagementVirtual / Distance Team Management Course


Emotional Intelligence and interpersonal communication effectiveness:

Communication Success Program – (certification available)


Understanding peoples’ beliefs, behaviors and diversity:

Diversity Specialist
Understanding and Mastering Diversity 

Workplace efficiency and task, process and system management:

Employee Workplace EffectivenessWorkplace Performance Success System – (certification available)

Employee On-boarding Ultimate Organizational On-boarding Training Program

Law enforcement
And Public Service
Middle Management
Law Enforcement Middle Management Leadership Certification (certification)

Project Management / Workplace EfficiencyHigh Performance Project Management 





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