Train The Trainer

Train the Trainer


train the trainerIt is always nice when you can get the tools you need and use them the way you want to, to get the result you need. Working with someone else’s schedule and agenda can be helpful but sometimes you just want to grab the reigns and go! With our Compass system, you can use it “right out of the box” so to speak and start generating positive change and results immediately. It’s designed to be usable by any Human resources or training group or just a team leader. We provide the system and path and you just provide and guide your employees through the system.

We do recognize that in some organizations, the pace of the environment doesn’t lend it’s time to the organization being able to lead employees through the training system. In these cases, the Team-builder Leadership Institute also provides online or onsite support and even training. Even though the system is designed to be so easy an individual can sign on and go. Many choose to have one of our experts act as liaison or actual trainer and provide additional exposures and activities that enhance the program and ensure acquisition of the skills quickly!



Our Compass training system is a three step system.

Training the trainer

Your direction to personal success!

Step 1  – Develops clear interpersonal communication. It provides an understanding and common language in addition to the ability to easily reach and interact between all people in the organization regardless of socioeconomic status, race, nationality, ethnic background, etc. Additionally, it unveils the belief systems of other and in doing so gives the comfort of truly understanding, what they do and why they do it. It also provides a personal level of emotional control and focus through that in-depth understanding of other’s belief systems and why they think and feel the way they do.

Who benefits:

Communication is the single biggest success factor in any organization or relationship for that matter. The ability to know and understand what other people think and feel and why they do, is a priceless ability! Used as a staple of “On-boarding” this step, Team-builder Leadership Institute’s “Communication Success Program” ensures every employee new and old, bottom or top, is equipped and able to communicate rationally and powerfully with ease and contributing to an organizational culture of high performance and a conflict free and cohesive environment.


Step 2 – To remove the second biggest challenge to becoming a top 100 company, step two provides the most effective leadership succession plan and operational standard in existence. Step two trains leaders and future leaders to become catalyst for high performance! It gives the individual leader the ability to elicit the best performance possible from each individual employee. It allows the leader to channel each individual’s maximum efforts into a single stream of high performance and productivity! The leader is able to effectively develop, lead and get the most out of any and all employees, there are no longer employees beyond their skills or understanding! Through Team-builder Leadership Institute’s “Goals, Structure, Culture leadership training certification program, your leaders become the elite and generate positive result with every word and action.

Who benefits:

With a leadership team able to easily and effectively able to manage and lead distant locations or a single work area and creating a culture that is conflict free, positively focused on the organization’s goals and unified as one group pursuing the same results, both the organization and every individual in the organization greatly benefits from this, the most effective leadership style in existence!


Step 3 – To address the last critical need of every employee, step 3 provides the individual the organization, planning, execution and work performance skills that are always the difference between “success” and “failure”! Team-builder Leadership Institute’s High Performance Project Management” provides a deep understanding and gift of becoming proficient at:

  • Planning (every detail)
  • Scheduling
  • Managing
  • Tracking
  • Risk analysis
  • Critical activities and timing
  • Follow up
  • Evaluation and adjustment to variables


Research shows the average employee’s effectiveness increases an average of a whopping 64% when trained on these task, project and work performance skills! When everyone knows and understands the core achievement processes and system and can step up and take the next step in the absence of direction, it creates a powerful workforce that operates autonomously and is results focused and driven!

Who Benefits:

Of course everyone in the organization benefits! However, on an individual level, this step provides them clear direction, confidence, self-esteem, the ability to contribute in a meaningful and productive way and avenue to shine and earn recognition for themselves and their group! There is no replacement for being great at what you do! Knowing how to mobilize others, coordinate and get results is key to individual and organizational success!



How we train the trainer

Training the trainerWe immerse the trainer in the Compass system using online, onsite, as well as immersion activities and coaching activities We use distance learning to begin so that the time we are in your organization is used effectively to perfect the lessons not initiate them. Our time with your team is focused on the best practices to get buy-in for and show the benefit of the Compass system and certification. In addition to helping them perfect the presentation and application so the pride the training with the ultimate credibility and positive results.





The Organizational EKO-System

For organizations that want to effect culture change and alignment, we share with them how to create a dynamic organizational community of positive focus, high performance, cohesion and commitment. This is done by learning to fully analyze every aspect and variable of the organization using our proprietary organizational analysis tool. We teach you to put every operational factor under the microscope and determine where the performance inhibitors are (actions not most effectively producing the desired results).

Through learning and training leaders and employees on the Organizational EKO-System, every trained employee is able to, while performing their normal operations, constantly look for and recognize any performance inhibitor and initiate corrective action. It allows practitioners to quickly be able to analyze every process, system, and activity to constantly identify inhibitors and effectively adjust to the operational and competitive environment. The EKO-system provides a fully focused comprehensive look at an organization’s operational variables and makes the variables in need of alignment and adjustment stand out. It also shows what changes are necessary to get the alignment and make the operation maintain peak operations.


Get Us To Give Your Staff The Power To Make Everyone In Your Workforce Successful!


Contact us now & let’s get started!

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