Best Onsite Leadership and Management Training for Culture Change

Onsite Training


Best Onsite leadership and management training

Best Onsite leadership and management training

Although we know that online training has now, arguably, become more effective than onsite training due to the technology available today; we also know that there are times and circumstances where onsite training is a better fit for the current circumstances.

  • At TLI we provide onsite training (at your location) in scenarios that make sense for our clients. Onsite training often works best when an organization needs operational change “yesterday”.
  • Has many moving parts and desires the subject matter experts to get everyone on the same page and off to a fast start.
  • When they have operational emergencies or ethical or moral issues that can expose the organization to legal penalties.
  • Anytime the organization wants and needs a complete culture change to a positive high performance format which requires onsite analysis and activities based on the analysis findings.



Truly successful onsite training consists of three parts:

  • Pre-training activities (Create buy-in)
  • Training activities
  • Post training activities (solidify assimilation of new skills)

Pre-training activities – this is a “PR” campaign where you build employee buy-in for the training. Many organizations make the mistake of telling employees that attendance at training is mandatory. That directive, for many people, kills their desire to attend the training right then. To ensure the organization gets the results they want, they must first demonstrate to the employee that the training is FOR them (the individual) to achieve THEIR personal goals. its the whole ‘WIFM’ principle of what’s in it for me.  When it is done right the employees WANT the training based on the benefit to their agendas. One major difference we bring to the table Is that Team-builder Leadership Institute has mastered these campaigns and can provide them for organizations.

Training activities – Immersion sessions with accountability partners and intense skills practice

Post-training activities – This is what sets Team-builder Leadership Institute apart from the crowd. We have designed activities that ensure participants get multiple exposures to the information. Through accountability partners and easy to use non-intrusive workplace activities, we provide a minimum of three weeks reinforcement to every training session. Without these activities, research has shown that the average person retains about 5% of the information from a training session.


Why would an organization pay for training and accept that 95% of the information will be lost before the trainer even leaves the building?



Best Onsite leadership and management training

Best Onsite leadership and management training

Research shows that the average person needs six (6) exposures to the information with reinforcement and practice in between their exposures in order to retain up to 90% of the information.  That doesn’t happen in the normal one day training session or seminar. Fortunately with the right materials, delivery, follow-up activities and commitment, that unfortunate statistic can be removed from the equation. Our onsite training programs are designed to give your group the skills they need the first time! We design the course and follow up activities so they continuously reinforce and increase skills acquisition and understanding. Our live training is different because we give you the online training and a follow up! We set up an accountability partnering system for participants to ensure they continue to assimilate and learn to use the information they are exposed to as well.

Our courses are very enjoyable and formulated to meet the skills need more than just have fun. We at Team-builder Leadership Institute know that we all learn better when we are happy but entertainment doesn’t teach us. Receiving multiple exposures to the concepts and skills and providing repeated opportunities to use the skills in a relevant manner, that’s what produces skills acquisition and learning. Attaching the knowledge being learned to everyday activities of the participants’ is key to their skills acquisition. These methods overcome the dramatic information loss suffered by normal (I call them “train and dash”) training sessions. Our training experts understand these concepts and ensure the main objective of engagement and skills acquisition are foremost in all our delivery and post training activities. To laugh heartily is great but having new skills to enhance your life afterward is even better in our book.


All of our training provides:

  • Key concepts
  • Multiple exposures
  • Lots of skills practice
  • Relevant in-house follow up
  • Performance hacks
  • Physical tools
  • Positive focus on results
  • Attachment to present workplace duties and activities
  • Certification


Best Onsite leadership and management training

Best Onsite leadership and management training

At Team-builder Leadership Institute, we focus on your results. In fact, we guarantee that your group will get the abilities we came to provide them! We believe everyone should have the opportunity to grow into the successful man or woman they want to be. At Team-builder Leadership Institute we are committed to providing that opportunity through cutting edge knowledge and the positive and easy use of that knowledge! No organization should pay for results and get none or get an entertainment session! When organizations win, people win and society wins! Let Team-builder Leadership Institute make your organization be the vision it was meant to be!



Who we’ve changed and the results we’ve created

Best Onsite leadership and management training

Best Onsite leadership and management training

Our clients come from all industries and in all sizes, military to fortune 500, finance to universities. Our training is truly unique and creates a common language and understanding that is comfortable with everyone in the workforce. For over thirty years Tony Roberts has provided clients with exceptional development courses that change the results of the companies and the lives of the employees. We helped one Dallas based company that had grown faster than their project management and leadership skills could support. The result was double digit business growth and according to the CEO, more importantly the employees were no longer stressed and having problems communication with one another or their clients. For the U.S. Army, we designed a training course to teach job skills and techniques for 36,000 soldiers in a specific military occupational specialty. We were given an award for innovation, being ahead of schedule and creating a superior training product. For a fortune 500 energy company, we were able to provide a company wide customer service change that resulted in sky rocketing satisfaction ratings increases, massive customer growth, and repairing of a damaged reputation.

Producing the desired result is a given with Team-builder Leadership Institute’s proprietary programs, development and certification techniques! The only requirement is that the organization truly be seeking and be willing to support the change requested.

In-House Manager Training Programs



It can be said that In-House Manager Training Programs are the key to sustainability, consistency, and productivity in an organization’s operation. Organizations without an effective in-house manager training program suffer from inconsistent performance, poor work cultures and lots of wasted time and resources.

Best Onsite leadership and management trainingTo reap benefits from your in-house manager training program, you must have a quality program designed to facilitate both individual career development as well as the company’s future needs. It has a dual purpose. First, to create a stable and consistent operational environment that allows each individual to know what to do and when to do it, enabling them to create consistent positive results in productivity. People function best when they are confident of the actions to take and have a system of support to ensure success. The second must be to provide the leadership candidates the correct behaviors and actions that create a positive, chaos free and emotionally stable work environment. Studies have shown there are behaviors that have a favorable effect on people from all cultures. These are universal skills any good on-boarding or in-house manager training program must impart.



In-House Manager Training Programs

The great part of having this type of quality system in your organization is if it’s built right, the training of new leaders is continuous and takes place during daily operations. Meaning, you do not have to take people out of the work area and shove them in a classroom. They learn and practice the skills daily while on the job. They are also learning from their supervisor who has built trust and credibility with them. Not a stranger they have no relationship with. When the organization uses the right in-house management training program consistently, in a short time it has built its own training force into its leadership. Leaders teach the same requirement and expectations and operations become easy for all and consistent for the organization and its bottom line!

Best Onsite leadership and management trainingIt standardizes and teaches the right thing to do so everyone knows what the expectations of the organization are in any given situation! A huge bonus to performance!  In essence it creates a high performance work culture! Another huge advantage is the organization can now commit its Human Resources department (HR) and personnel to the support role as intended. In many organizations HR representatives are asked to and involved in disciplinary issues, employee corrective actions and counseling, etc. Our client’s have adopted our Compass System and their leaders and managers are skilled enough to eliminate most disciplinary problems before they ever arise. This of course frees up HR to keep both the organization and employees supported physically and legally.


Manager Bias

Best Onsite leadership and management trainingThe right in-house leadership and management training program eliminates one of the biggest challenges that, unless steps are taken to remove, are always in every organization. That is Manager Bias. When a new leader comes into a new position, the vast majority have a predisposition to begin changing operations to their personally desired actions and activities; not necessarily what is best for the company or the team they lead. Everyone has a comfort zone and most people fight to stay in it. The result is disgruntled employees, employee conflict, employee apathy, reduced productivity and sometime outright rebellion. People say things like, “why fix it if it isn’t broken?”  Manager bias is a productivity killer! The higher the turnover the more destructive it is.




Best Onsite leadership and management trainingThe key to a healthy work culture and operation is for each new employee, leaders included, to be trained on the way the company has identified its workforce is most efficient and productive and then all employees adjust to the company’s needs not their individual personal desires. This creates consistency. The right program teaches all employees from the first day they report the expectations of their position and the unified operations. They are taught they must assimilate, not seek to change for the sake of personal gratification. It’s about the mission not the individual. We pursue it as a unified group.

The training begins in the on-boarding program and each supervisor continues it as the new individual reports and begins to interact and contribute with the team. Good in-house management training programs ensure they address and remove manager bias! Our “Compass System” is an online immersion program that provides your new and seasoned leaders the core universal leadership skills, techniques and behaviors; advanced interpersonal communication and human behaviors beliefs understanding and complete work performance skills that build a workplace culture and environment of peace, cohesion, and excellent productivity!

Let’s get started now!


How Your Organization Qualifies for Onsite Training from TLI!

Qualify for onsite training

Best Onsite leadership and management training

Fortunately, at the Team-builder Leadership Institute we enjoy a high demand for our services. Consequently, we use our time to completely satisfy those who come to us for onsite training and performance consulting. We get to know your company and goals to ensure the outside activities we perform are addressing the need in environments that will produce the best results for all. Many managers and leaders hire training companies to come in and deliver information to meet a requirement or say they addressed a problem. At Team-builder Leadership Institute we train and consult with organizations where the environment and support are aligned to facilitate creation of the desired change and result.

We provide our unique, proprietary programs and consulting to those we believe will provide the support to ensure success for the change effort.



Who we train onsite:

Team-builder Leadership Institute provides a very unique body of information and techniques that change the beliefs and behaviors that are holding a company out of its winner’s circle. We do not just give the same rote skills training many in the training industry provide. As such, we enjoy meeting with the decision makers, leaders and front runners to understand your values, goals and strategies.  Companies with a true desire and commitment to positive change and a hunger for success are the perfect candidates for our culture change training and consulting. For Team-builder Leadership Institute we are not looking to collect checks from clients to train and dash. We choose to go where we will have the support to genuinely make a difference for the organization and its stakeholders.  No wasted time, and no wasted dollars for you or us!


It’s Your Turn, Get Started!

Let’s enjoy our mutual collaboration to help you on your company’s path!

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