TLI’s Operational Efficiency Analysis

Operational Efficiency Analysis

A detailed performance analysis of all operational factors



All organizations, whether a government agency,  manufacturing plant, or mining operation, consist of four major parts or performance areas that together create its “Operational Culture”:

  1. Leadership culture
  2. Operational systems
  3. Operational Policies
  4. Operational processes

These are parts or areas that encompass all the elements of the operation from material purchasing and supply to final product inspection. They encompass the elements of what is created, how it is created, who creates what, and what it feels like being a part of that creation. This includes everything from hiring and onboarding to employee support and retirement.

Each of the above parts or operational areas consist of Macro and Micro-factors . A micro-factor influences operational efficiency and outcome. A macro-factor has a significant influence or effect on the efficiency and overall results of the operation as a whole.

These factors are put in place at the inception of the organization’s operation. To maintain peak efficiency and operational integrity these factors must be reviewed and adjusted periodically. Economic conditions, leadership personnel changes, environmental changes, laws, sponsors, and customer desires, all affect the goals of the organization and how it will most effectively meet its production requirements.

By performing a performance analysis on an organization it ensures that the macro and micro-factors are in place and fully functional. The analysis reviews the operational efficiency of each factor. The overall goal is to align the four major areas of the operational culture ensuring all resistant elements have been identified and adjusted or removed as peak operational efficiency dictates.

TLI’s proprietary analysis system and tool allows a complete breakdown of all operational factors, making operational efficiency and necessary adjustment as painless as possible. Knowing the actual cause of resistance and operational impediment is the most crucial step. Also, knowing how to adjust factors without negatively impacting other parts of the operational culture is critical as well.

Our proprietary tool  allows us to identify the source of resistance quickly and efficiently. Using that knowledge, we can then create and implement the necessary adjustments. An organization must meet the standards and purpose it was created to fulfill, or it no longer serves the purpose for which it was created.

More on our analysis:


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