So many of us today use project management in our work. Whether it’s project management processes, structure and activities for the creation of products and services, or Agile for technology applications. Project Management has begun to be understood as a super powerful set of tools to create more accurately, efficiently and less expensively.
Our FREE practice exam tests your general knowledge and your level of preparedness for the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. TLI provides the free exam to be used as a easy tool to prepare for your project management professional certification test.
For, people who want to extend their preparation efforts as far as possible, greatly increasing the probability of first time PMP testing success, TLI also provides a comprehensive full methodology project management readiness practice exam, “Level Two Project Management Practice Exam”.
Many of our clients prefer to take our High Performance Project Management (HPPM) course before using or Level Two project management exam to increase their preparation and probability of success.
Once registered on our website and logged in, our Project Management Free Practice Exam is available for you to use as often as you would like to prepare for your professional project management certification.
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Unit 1 | Project Management Practice Examination - Preview |