Pre-work Self Leadership Routine
1. Appreciation Activity
Now we want to hone our focus so we begin our day pointed toward success and ease. To that end, get a tablet and something to write with.
- Now that you are relaxed and clear minded, list three things you are genuinely grateful for. Place one on the top of a blank sheet then one at the middle then the third at the top on the back of the page.
- Begin with the first one you listed and under it write all the reasons you are genuinely grateful that item or condition is in your life.
- Do the same for the next two items.
If you are honest with yourself, you will be feeling emotionally elated now. Feeling the appreciation and gratitude for these conditions and experiences.
Let’s continue to refine our focus and ease with the next activity.
2. Team Member Pre-paving Activity
Most of us can recognize the strengths and weaknesses in ourselves and others. Thinking of your team members list them on a piece of paper. For each, write beside their name at least one strength or positive aspect that they contribute to the team and its success. If they bring more to the environment then one positive aspect, list them all. Once you have listed their positive aspects write down how each of those aspect positively contribute to the team’s success.
3. Daily Expectations
Now outline the day you want to have. Record on a piece of paper at least five positive expectations you have for this day. Start with I want, and list the five positive results or experiences, in either case, your expectation for the day.
I want …
Going through the day recall these expectations, keep them in your mind. Look for them and expect them to come about.