Influence (GSC) Leadership Pre-Course Assessment

GSC Leadership Pre-course Assessment

Welcome to TLI’s GSC (influence) Leadership Training Course! We know you will enjoy this experience and learn many skills and techniques that will serve you greatly throughout your future. To that end, we begin with a pre-course assessment to get a picture of where your knowledge level is at concerning leading people and particularly on leading people through influencing skills. You will not see the score until the end of the course where both the pre-assessment and post-assessment scores will be available. The term “GSC Leader” refers to the Goals, Structure, Culture leadership methodology this course teaches. That term is also interchangeable with the term “Influence Leader”. Once you have completed this pre-course assessment continue to the introduction and begin the course. We at TLI, greatly appreciate you allowing us to share this knowledge and these skills with you and know you’ll do great things in your future using them!

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