DEET / Employee

Daily Ease and Excellence Activities Employee


To use this terminal most effectively, obtain a notebook you can record your activity responses in daily. Each day choose a new page write the date at the top and perform and record your response to each activity.

Daily Instructions:

At the beginning  of your work session, perform all pre-work activities. At the close of your work day perform the post-work activities.


Periodic Instructions:

After a couple of weeks review that periods responses and identify the trend of your daily results and responses. For instance, did your desired expectations manifest? Did your daily work environment improve? Did the work place stay the same? With these results you can better identify the adjustments you can undertake to create more ease and better results. Perform this review periodically to provide a powerful tool to improve your ease and results.


Daily Pre-work Activities

  1. Focus and Ease Pre-paving Activity
  2. Pre-work Self Leadership Activities


Daily Post-work Self Leadership Activities

  1. Post-work activity


Additional Tools:

Project Management Guide

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