Employee Workplace Professional Skills Certification

This package of courses is specifically designed to empower and train all employees so they become highly skilled. These courses impart the key skills and abilities in team interaction, workplace communication and task and project planning, organization, execution and delivery that will make the employee invaluable in all scenarios.

This certification program consists of four courses. Please take them in the order suggested. Additionally, please carefully read the instructions provided in the introduction or unit 1 of each course. This is where your materials downloads will be provided.

Suggested order:

  1. CSP - workplace professional communication skills
  2. GSC - Leadership and team interaction
  3. HPPM - Workplace efficiency / project management
  4. Div - Mastering diversity

Each course will have activities and quizzes that must be utilized to proceed (some may have a course pre-test).

Once you are done reading this course introduction, please select the first suggested course and proceed through the training.

Thank you for using TLI! Enjoy your training and the lifetime of success these skills will bring you. Each course provides a client evaluation form so you can share your experience and feedback. Thank you in advance, we greatly appreciate all that you share!

Module 1 Employee Workplace Professional Skills Certification
Unit 1 Employee Workplace Professional Skills Certification  

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