Best Workplace Leadership Culture Change Program
TLI’s all-inclusive programs solves the challenges of workplace leadership culture change. The “Compass System” program has 3 key core components that will rapidly change your workplace leadership culture.
- GSC- Goal, Structure, Culture Leadership Program
- CSP: Communication Success Program
- HPPM: High Performance Project Management
- Concise planning
- Organization
- Time and resource management
- Process creation
- Process alignment
- Goal focus and achievement
Culture is built from leadership style, communication and work performance norms which is the ability to plan, organize, delegate, and do tasks and projects effectively and on time.
Workplace and Leadership Culture Change must provide the following aspects to provide the solutions your company is looking for.
Self-awareness—we show each participant how to develop self-awareness, which is conscious knowledge of their own character, their own feelings, motives and their desires. We help align each individual’s self-awareness with that of the needs of the organization and provide them the ability to monitor and regulate their conscious behaviors to remain true to the mission of the organization. We achieve this through a well-defined and set of consistent decisions. This is the GSC standard.
- Reacting through emotions is replaced with cognitive response (awake and lucid)
- Snap judgement is replaced with thoughtful decisions
- Fully considering others opinions before providing a response
- Demands of authority replaced with meaningful conversations
- Commands replaced with clear and concise information
Behavior—we instill the behaviors that are universally accepted by all people and all cultures as positive interpersonal interactions. Through immersion activities and development we teach individuals these behaviors and how to use them to produce the specific results you need. This means you learn to:
- Convert Conflict to collaboration
- Politics to cooperation
- Poor productivity to high performance
- Bullying to coaching and delegation
- Apathy to passion and commitment
Honesty, dignity, respect—means that every individual feels that the work environment provides challenge, opportunity and rewards in a harmonious atmosphere. Everyone feels included, appreciated, and respected. It’s an approach from person to person, everyone appreciates what everyone else brings to the table and communicates and interact through positive emotions. The focus is always on the organizations goals with a unified commitment to attainment of each individual’s goals and the collective goals.
- Deceit is replaced with openness and full disclosure
- Politics is replaced with a mutual focus on the success for all
- Bureaucracy is replaced with process alignment and the achievement of collective goals
- Lying is replaced with a sincere desire to educate and inform
- Hurtful and demeaning communication is replaced with open, engaging, and clear interactions
To provide leaders in our modern organizations not only excellent leadership abilities but the advanced communication skills and workplace performance skills, at Team-builder Leadership Institute we have developed an all-inclusive leadership development system, our “Compass System”. In addition to the universal leadership skills that make your leaders high successful with everyone, they also learn:
- Concise planning
- Organization
- Time and resource management
- Process creation
- Process alignment
- Goal focus and achievement
7 Steps to Your Employee Happiness that You Can Do Now!
Every employer knows that the best way to attract and retain top talent is to ensure employee happiness. But employers may not realize that simply offering raises won’t make the company’s best workers stick around. Bonuses, company perks and paid days off aren’t enough to keep employees happy, showing an employee how much the company appreciates, respects and values them on a personal level is much more gratifying.
Research has shown that employees with high-level job satisfaction are generally more productive, engaged and loyal to their companies.
We’ve provided a list of simple methods to create employees satisfaction based on culture and positive workplace beliefs and behaviors.
Practice Transparency- A 2014 employee engagement survey found that the number one contributor to employee happiness is transparency. Money and promotions are still important, but what the workforce community really wants to know is how to communicate collaboratively as well as the truth about the state of the company. The cost of improving transparency is almost zero, but it requires an ongoing dialogue between management and staff.
Encourage Honest & Open Communication– The best businesses create spaces and opportunities where teams can easily communicate and share ideas. Casual conversations in the break room can become collaborative conversations. Make it inviting and effective, with inviting furnishing, tables, and snacks and beverages, if possible.
Recognize & Reward Team Performance– Achievement and recognition are huge motivators for work communities and performance. Create an environment where risks and invited and whether they succeed or fail, reward them. Give them recognition, invite them to an event, offer an extra day off, and tickets to a show, or whatever makes sense. The small rewards make the difference between average companies and top performance companies.
Offer Benefits That Support Loyalty– There are many ways to supplement salary by assisting employees in other areas of their lives. You can offer higher tiers of insurance coverage, or disability insurance for employees to protect their incomes. Other ancillary benefits, such as dental, optical, holistic wellness treatments; all of which are appreciated by employees as authentic care and garner trust. Offer gym memberships to keep employees happy and healthy. Stepping up as leaders of organizations and offering creative rewards and benefits demonstrate that you truly care about your team and their families.
Eliminate Meetings & Non Essential Communication Based Nonsense– Many employees feel that a flooded inbox and a constant string of unproductive meetings waste time and hinder productivity. Replace meetings and emails with spontaneous gatherings, pop-up events and new technology that automate trivial tasks and help them save time and collaborate more efficiently.
Make Team Members the Star of The Organization– The best benefit you can provide to workplace communities is the opportunity to make a difference through their work and help guide the course of the company. Benefits such as clear and frequent communication on company performance, events, individual growth and department direction, and big-picture company results, planning and expansion. Keeping your organizational communities make a powerful difference in building a culture of excellence and in employee happiness.
Authentic Communication– Meaningful one-on-one conversations with a team members and groups create connection and trust. Whether it is a private conversation at the start of the day, taking them out to lunch, or even a beer after work creates common bonds and a supportive environment that increases community connection and loyalty. The thing that the ‘Top 100 Companies to Work For’ have in common is that they demonstrate a passionate commitment to the health, well-being and autonomous work environment that individuals and teams thrive in! Go the extra mile as leaders and you’ll be rewarded exponentially!
Create Community Engagement & Collaboration– Organizations and leaders that solicit and survey their workforce to gauge input and satisfaction levels are 3.5% more profitable than those who don’t. Thoughtful insights from team members often lead leaders and companies in the right direction to shape a more a positive and creative work environment. This collaboration also supports the development of more formal career development programs. By partnering with employees to improve their satisfaction levels, employers will reap business benefits today and tomorrow.
Our clients have benefited from our workplace leadership culture change programs resulting in a company of harmony and alignment among individuals and teams. This is a standard of culture that provides everyone with an understanding of how to interact to allow focus on the collective goals rather than individual’s desires. When the transformation is complete, you’ll have a harmonious, receptive, engaged and inspired teams with the best workplace leadership culture in place!