Most Effective Leadership and Management Training Program
Why Choose our Programs | Benefit Comparison
At TLI we provide your leadership and management needs for training and development whether you want to sit in the comfort of your home and learn or if your organization wants to develop the group simultaneously to ensure a unified operational standard and result (most effective for the organization!)! We have the path for both and are here to meet your needs!
Our leadership and management training programs are 100% more performance and cost effective than that of other education and training institutions and we are the only ones with the GSC leadership style and premiere leadership and work performance package, our “Compass System)!!
Training your leaders and employees is the lifeblood of an organization. As with any other set of skills, your performance is substandard without the proper training for the level of expertise you are required to operate at. That’s why medics aren’t trained as long as brain surgeons. Each position does have a minimum requirement of skills and efficacy, of course. For leadership, the minimum skills a leader must be well-versed in to really excel with any group in any position are:
- Relationship building
- Advanced interpersonal communication
- Self-discipline
- Time management
- Work flow organization
- Work process alignment
- Individual skills evaluation
- Identification and acquisition of individual performance skills
- Emotional control
- Team building
- Creating a positive workplace culture
- Conflict resolution and elimination
- Observation and performance management
- Delegation
- Coaching and follow-up
This list is not all-inclusive but the individual with these skills will be in a great position to succeed while they identify and add any other skills required by their circumstances.
At THE TEAM-BUILDER LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE we have been told and we believe we have the best leadership, management and work performance training that can be obtained anywhere. Many organizations send their leaders and prospective leaders to piecemeal seminars and training sessions. The information, being designed and delivered by many different groups is disjointed, often repetitive, and almost never ties into what the participant’s knowledge level actually is. Meaning some people are ahead of the training, some behind and it’s quickly labeled as unappealing to both.
At THE TEAM-BUILDER LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE our Goals, Structure, and Culture (GSC) Leadership Style is part of the Compass System program and is a solid guide to true leadership development and work performance, not disconnected information given in a random order. We educate leaders, ensuring they have the beginning skills and are effective with them. Our goal is to develop the leader not just expose them to information.
Our courses have immersion activities you participate in that actually empower the participant to use the skills at the level just learned and then assesses their readiness for the next level. The next level is only available if the program assessment shows successful assimilation of the skills and techniques at the previous level.
The key is our coaching format, the immersion, and the directed practice on all the skills participants in our training get. For us, it’s not about providing the training, it’s about the participant getting the results they seek. To do this any learner gets better quicker when they:
- Hear it
- See it
- Do it
As many times as it takes for the individual to integrate the new techniques into the work routine. Of course that a different number of exposures for different people. Research shows that an average for people to get the information is six exposures. That’s one major reason to use training methodologies like we provide at the Team-builder Leadership Institute to ensure the correct number of exposures for each participant.
Benefit Comparison of TLI Programs vs Other Institutions Offer
Average expense: between $250 and $1000 TOTAL for entire coursework (less than the $1200 annual per employee expenditure by far)
Self-paced; during work hours
Or if preferred, designed and delivered specifically to meet your organization’s goals
Use as part of your overall personal development strategy
No travel, no extra expense, no ‘catch up’ from missing work
Average expense over $4000+ per training day
Off-site training; loss of work
Multiple days of training, spread out over weeks
Travel time and distance Travel expenses
TLI online:
Online, private, individual access to your program and content
Self-Pace with practical, usable everyday material; on the job training!
Easy to follow; chapters each provide an assessment and interactive activities, coaching videos and feedback to ensure retention and skill use.
Attention (focus on what you are learning, versus other people’s stories or negative comments or problems to solve)
Master leader knowledgeable in relevant course material instead of part-time uninformed instructor: always current and relevant to today’s society and needs for you
Retention rate is between 90-100%: verified by knowledge assessments
Unlimited availability to refresh learning at your convenience to ensure total acquisition of skills (workbook with video coaching)
Sustainable within the company and implemented as part of the company culture
Travel to various locations
Training interruptions from participant stories or interruptions not related to your needs, or the group
Inconvenient and uncomfortable training atmosphere; hard to focus
Typical retention of information is less than 5%!
Temporary learning due to only one exposure of instructor teaching material
Not sustainable or easy to implement
- You learn how to function around others, still being who you are, regardless of anyone else’s belief systems or thoughts and actions
- Learn indisputable techniques and the best methodology that ties individual goals of each participant or employee, to those of the company’s goals
- Works regardless of ethnic culture–especially helpful to deal with cultural diversity in the workplace
- Eliminates harassment of all types
- Learn and use the info immediately (realistic and practical everyday situations) (example: techniques (DARR), 4 communication styles, effective words to use to immediately improve any situation and delegating)
- The results are immediately tangible, effective and powerful to everyone.
Our programs enable you to adapt your beliefs and add a standard of performance that makes you happy and successful almost immediately!
Build skill upon skill, from beginning learners to advanced leadership mastery. Our immersion programs ensure you have mastered the last lesson before you proceed to the next. You get long term skills development vs short term training to last you throughout your career.
Best Leadership And Management Training Programs
[su_icon_text color=”#38264d” icon=”icon: calendar” icon_color=”#d0632d” icon_size=”98″]The HUGE advantage is that you use the techniques you are learning, every day, at work, during your normal business day. The transference is immediately visible and useful to those around you. [/su_icon_text]
Our programs provide the universal and foundational skill sets for all employees within a company. Our new leadership style is called GSC and focuses on achieving the Goals, building the necessary Structure and creating a powerful workplace Culture. This is 100% more effective than the traditional leadership styles in most work places such as Transactional, Values Based or Transformational. Other companies and institutions teach you pieces of multiple leadership styles that don’t necessarily mesh, nor are they effective.
Our leadership and management training programs are comprehensive with a solid focus on the:
- Goals: focus of the company and tasks at hand
- Structure: How you achieve the goals – processes and systems used to operate every day
- Culture: Mindset-positive morale and people interactions
GSC GSC is a proven and complete standard versus other’s piecemeal lessons or Band-Aids for problems that persist. We solve the problems by preventing them from happening.
When you have a standard of leadership and communication within your organization that everyone follows, you eliminate chaos, conflict and morale: all of which affect the bottom line and sustainability of your company.
It promotes standardization of:
- Results
- Comfort of knowing uniform processes
- Understanding pursuit of goals
- Direction of decision making
- Provides long term sustainability, flexibility and growth for individual and the organization as a whole.
Ex: if you send 30 leaders to 30 different seminars or training’s at different times, they will all learn something different and have no consistency in leading or the teaching of others. It’s a formula for chaos and allows for individual interpretation dependent upon the training person themselves as well.
Companies need a replicable and standardized leadership and management system for all leaders and employees across departments. And, still devised for individual differences and flexibility.
- Individual development; performance planning (annual review and goal planning), ongoing skill needs, tools and resources to be the most effective at one’s job
- Team development
- Leadership succession development planning
- Policy Handbook Standards (behaviors, expectations)
- On-boarding: from start date (regardless of title) to moving up the career ladder
- Development Program-ongoing performance development (apart from technical skill training)
Best Leadership and Management Training Programs
[su_icon icon=”icon: bulls-eye” color=”#d31515″ shape_size=”24″][/su_icon]ADVANTAGES OF OUR PROGRAMS OVER OTHERS – ONLY FROM TLI
We value systems such as Six Sigma, Project Management Institute, Federal/State Regulations, guidelines such as OSHA, ADA, FDCPA, JAHCO, and policy handbooks, but to implement them effectively with all employees is much more than just teaching the technical skills. Best Leadership Standards help you to put the technical skills, changes or process into place effectively, every time.
- NO other leadership, management or communication programs provide in-depth understanding of human behaviors and beliefs or how to adjust interactions to get the results you need. When you understand underlying motives of why people act how they do and believe what they do, you can eliminate conflict, emotional situations and focus on the goals. Without this type of training, you can never have a sustainable leadership development system or positive workplace culture. You get the best leadership skills and management training with these programs.
- Return on Investment: companies spend thousands of dollars in leadership and management training, but it changes little in the culture of an organization. Our programs incorporate a standard of communicating and leading that when used, allows for ALL leaders and employees to function as one toward the goals of the company–eliminating turnover, conflict, wasted time, and law suits etc.
Example: General Motors past challenges of creating defective cars that killed people. Even after successive leaders the problem persisted due to no internal standard of communication or cooperation.
Many management skills and communication programs require you to purchase piecemeal training seminars or workshops that only touch on a few topics. They don’t address the underlying problems that continue to fester and are usually just Band-Aids. Cohesiveness for everyone in the company is lacking along with no standard of how to interact with others. No single stream of information to learn and truly apply.
We have designed these programs to FOREVER, eliminate ALL challenges and start from the beginning to the end with a solid leadership platform. Many companies offer a slew of topics to purchase separately to deal with workplace challenges and personal development skills. Our programs effectively address these ‘pain topics’ because of the standard we teach:
- Resolution to workplace conflict
- Time management
- Management skills
- Organization skills
- How to delegate
- Confidence and Assertiveness
- Decision making
- Stress Management
- How to build a team
- Diversity and ethical behaviors
- Goal planning
- Change management and navigating change
- Employee coaching
- Women leadership
- Communication skills development
You will have an organization that is highly productive, cohesive and committed.
Productivity soars, conflict is eliminated and your work culture is top notch!
Take the next step and bring your organization up to standard!
Choose your program and get started now!