Mind Magic
Our World today is a mind-numbing blitz of sight and sound. With the advent of cell phones few people can avoid the barrage of news and marketers constantly banging on about the latest and greatest products to be purchased and problems to be feared. The news continuously scours the planet for any hint of a problem to make you believe it is about to overtake you. Now with new satellite internet systems even in the deepest dark corners of the jungle you can be inundated with a flood of products, opinions, and things to fear.
The Challenge
The world has changed from the days peaceful isolation. Gone is the age where most individuals grew up in small rural areas far away from the noise and turmoil of cities and large pockets of humanity. A century ago, individuals may go their entire lives never seeing a product advertisement or hearing the news. First came radio, then television, and now cellular phones. With each new technology more and more people became exposed to the din of opinions, advertisements, and reports of real and imagined catastrophes (I call it the “Cyber River“).
Over the last hundred years the news, product marketers, and anyone desiring a platform have discovered that they can engage the largest audience using fear. Making people afraid of it makes it real for them. Convincing them “it” is coming for them makes people open their wallets, start a cause, lend the cause their voice, time, money, effort, commitment, etc.
It is quite ingenious, once they get them to fear it, the individuals themselves become part of their marketing machine, spreading fear and recruiting more followers garnering more attention. If like most people now a days, you have a cell phone and other electronics, you use social media and spend hours a day perusing the contents offered on that cell phone, you are getting a huge daily dose of doom and gloom.
The Solution
Most things in our world can be good or bad. A tire iron is wonderful for changing a tire. It is not so good for giving a love tap to a friend. A cell phone is the same. It is great for required and desired communications. It is not so good for quality information and putting faith in the contents received on it. Some have put so much faith in its content they have become distraught when receiving negative emails or posts, reacting in unthinkable ways.
It comes to this. A cell phone and the plethora of content it opens to you (“Cyber River”), can be beneficial or a terrorist device depending on who is viewing it and how much credence they give the content. It is not a good or bad thing. It is a focus thing.
Think of it like this: when you go swimming in the ocean you bathe afterwards. You do so to get the salt and other substances off your body. When you bathe in the inundation of information of today’s world (“Cyber River“), whether on your phone or myriad of signs and sounds everywhere today, you must cleanse your mind of the toxic substances to which you were exposed. Toxic thoughts such as hate, to this, that, and the other is going to kill you abound in the “Cyber River“. The media paints a continuous picture of danger around every corner. Along with the need for a plethora of drugs and solutions for problems you don’t have. Not to say there is no danger in the world. It is just a lot easier to find the danger when you go looking for it.
Mind Magic
This article is not meant to make you stop using your phone or hide from advertising and the news. Its purpose is to make you aware of the effects of bathing in the flow of the cyber river and the need to cleanse your mind afterwards.
Anxiety, depression, any number of mental discomforts are at an all-time high in our society. Anti-depressants are passed out like band aids. Like swimming, anything you immerse yourself in whether it is the Atlantic Ocean, or the Cyber River of electronic content influences your wellbeing!
To bathe and cleanse your mind does not require a shower or tub but rather activities that focus your thoughts on your positive wellbeing. Taking your attention away from conditions and events you prefer not to experience (If a cyber-bully has no audience, he has no power).
The way you cleanse your mind and restore stability and wellbeing to your thoughts and life is to perform a few daily focus activities that show you how to identify your true-life preferences. Once you have your life preferences the activities provide you with the ability to use those preferences as a focal point excluding giving your attention to conditions not on your preference list. You eventually get to the point where you can jump in the Cyber River and only give your attention to your desired experiences.
We call this daily program “Mind Magic – becoming whole with your soul.” It is a set of daily activities that strengthens your ability to focus on what you want and feel the way you want, cleansing you from the effects of the Cyber River, (with no chemical assistance).
Your mind is extremely powerful. When you learn to wield that power, you discover that unlike with drugs (which only temporarily cover the pain), you can align your mind, so you are immune to the din of turbulence brought to you be the Cyber River. You see it but it has no effect. You learn to choose your path and how you feel. No longer walking the path given to you by others. It is your life. Shouldn’t you enjoy it?