Life Coaching

Personal Coaching

Life is a journey and different for each of us. The objective of course is to get the most out of it! Different people want different things, however, there is one thing everyone wants universally and that is: to feel good!

Waking happy, focused on how we want to feel and what we expect to get from our day!


Everything we do all day every day is either because we believe we must do it (perceived obligation) or, because we think it will make us feel better in the doing or having of it (choice). Along our journey we usually pick up limiting beliefs, scattered focus, and shortage consciousness. So eagerly and innocently given to us by well-meaning others around us.


Your limiting beliefs keep you from doing or having the things you want. The scattered focus feels like confusion, uncertainty, and displeasure, making consistently feeling good an impossibility. Finally, the shortage consciousness makes you believe you are in competition for everything and there is not enough for everyone. It often makes you feel like you must fight to get what you want or worse yet, feel like it is impossible for you to get what you want.


These beliefs, thoughts, and feelings sap the ease, fun, and happiness from our lives. Fortunately, we can learn to change our beliefs, align our focus with our desires consistently, and delete our shortage consciousness belief.


Whether your challenge is work related, relationship related, self-esteem, self-confidence or just not knowing how to feel ease and happiness, we can show you how to turn it around and create the life you want to live: Instead of droning along numbly living the life you were convinced by others that you should live! Contact Anthony Roberts today and let us get started!


Missing the next wrung can be painful.

Life is like climbing an extension ladder. In order to navigate successfully your focus must be on the next wrung of the ladder as you ascend. If you only give your attention to where you were, you lose focus on where you are going, which often has very unpleasant results. Life is not a mystery; it is a series of opportunities. Our time is most effectively lived when we have identified and are looking for those opportunities. Looking backwards only produces frustration, unhappiness, and regret.


A coach is a catalyst (A path to discovery). He or she does not have your answers. He or she helps you discover your questions and desires, so your answers become evident to you. We as humans, learn through life experience not through words.


Identifying your desires, what makes you feel good.

The task of a coach is to guide those they coach to realize what “their unique” version of happiness and success is. Also to help them define a positive and concrete path to that “unique version” they have identified. Coaching is about self-discovery. The answers to your question are your goals. Once you do the work to identify the questions, it is all about the focus on your journey!


People can experience many varieties of emotional challenges: Anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, the list goes on. Fortunately, none of these conditions are incurable. Through effective coaching and learning to  direct your focus, anyone desiring to do so can live a peaceful, easy, successful, happy life!

Contact us today!


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