Aligning Your Mind to Live Your Best Life

Aligning Your Mind to Live Your Best Life

Personal ease and development


Personal Alignment
“Personal Alignment” – is the alignment of your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, allowing you to consistently live your most positive results and satisfying life.


Many people awaken everyday feeling negatively. They are unhappy and don’t want to go to work. They are worried and feel they cannot meet their obligations. They are miserable because of others’ demands on them. They are self-loathing because they feel inadequate or unworthy.


What they really are is unaware that they have been programmed by people and conditions to accept those negative feelings as the life they must live. This could not be further from the truth!


When we are born, we are beings of light and love. We have few needs at that point and when those basic needs are met, we are happy. It’s not until those who came before us begin programming us with their versions of the dos and don’ts, the goods and bads, the rights and wrongs that life begins to get complicated and a lot less fun. For many it goes from basking in nature, beauty, and ease to something akin to walking through a mine field constantly trying to avoid that fatal misstep.


Where once our hearts were full of love and wonderment, due to that programming life becomes precarious and painful and in the mind of many – Life’s a _itch!

The way you see and, more importantly, the way you feel the world and your life is entirely up to you. For lots of people this is hard to believe. However, consider that everything you are exposed to, you are the one that assigns the label to it, good or bad. You choose whether you feel good about it. You choose whether to give it your attention. How many things have you made the effort to dislike when you could have withdrawn your attention from them? It always has and always will be up to you!

The beauty here is that you don’t have to continue letting your surrounding and others’ opinions and beliefs take you places you don’t want to go emotionally. You can rewrite your mental programing, clean up your personal operating system, and become the master of your own destiny and life experience.


TLI’s “Align Your Mind to Become Whole with Your Soul” takes you through the process of removing the programming and reuniting the now unhappy you with the always positive real you. The you, that you were born to be! It leads you through recognizing and deactivating limiting toxic beliefs that you carry around due to the programming you have received. It helps you identify YOUR desires and align your true desires with your emotions, focus, and thoughts eliminating the wasted time and effort of focusing on the unwanted.

Most importantly, you learn how to feel good emotionally consistently and constantly.

You awaken with a smile on your face and in your heart. Your first thoughts are pleasurable and related to the life you want and the things that make you feel good. Your days become blissful, successful, and happy.


Spend a few minutes everyday and change your life forever!



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